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Author Archive


Yoga Teacher

Lizel is our In-House Yoga & Meditation Teacher and the Head of Teaching Staff of Inspire Yoga Pilates and Fitness.

She loves teaching yoga because it will reveal the true nature of yourself.
She has been teaching yoga fr 10 years now. She started practicing it as a way to destress from the hustles of working in the hotel industry.

Her favorite yoga asana is Lotus Pose

Class types she teaches are Vinyasa Krama, Yin Yoga, Restorative Yoga

Splurge item:
Sound Healing Instruments and Teacher Trainings

Her most used expression:
Lengthen your exhalations

Introvert or Extrovert?

Coffee or Tea?

Place she most wants to visit:

Her role is…
To help you remember the true nature of yourself.

What keeps her inspired?
Her teachers who have dedicated their lives to sharing the ancient wisdom and practices inspires her to be a keeper of tradition and play her part in handing these down to the next generation.


Yoga Teacher And Inferno Hot Pilates Instructor

Edel is our Operations Manager. She loves teaching yoga because through it she can help people develop and/or improve their body awareness whether it is their physical or emotional body on or off the mat. She started yoga to help her manage stress she experienced in the corporate world. She has been practicing yoga for 10 years now.

Her favorite yoga asana is Standing Bow pose

Class types she teaches are Hot Yoga, Yin Yoga, Inferno Hot Pilates

Karaoke go-to song:
Stay (I Missed You) by Lisa Loeb

Favorite band/musician:
The Beatles

Introvert or Extrovert?

Sweet or savory:

Dream vacation:
a yoga retreat in Bhutan

How do you recharge?
Alone and away from my laptop (close to a really nice beach would be awesome, too) 🙂

What keeps her inspired?
Continuous learning and development of anything/anyone keeps her inspired.


Yoga Teacher

Teaching yoga brings her purpose and joy. She feels excited to do what she does every day because it’s her passion. Yoga has also helped her find my voice and to conquer the insecurities which she had around public speaking.

It brings her so much joy to plan new sequences, playlists and themes to tie in to the class.

She started yoga when she was a business student in Canada, 8 years ago now. She quickly became addicted to Moksha, a Hot Yoga place on Vancouver Island and would go to this happy place every day to escape the freezing cold weather and this is where she started to become aware of the immense power of yoga. Her favorite yoga asana is Downward Dog.

Class types you teaches are Vinyasa Flow Yoga, Hot Yoga, Power Yoga, Yin Yoga, Yin Yang Yoga and Yoga Nidra.

My inspiration is…
movement and nature

Karaoke go-to song:
Hotel California, The Eagles

Summer or Winter?
It depends where! Winter in Dubai – Summer in the South of France

Cats or Dogs?

If I could meet a famous person, it would be…

This year’s motto:
Focus on what’s going strong, not on what’s going wrong

What keeps her inspired?
She feels inspired when she is in nature, especially by the sea. She grew up living between the Mediterranean sea in the South of France and the Pacific Ocean on the west coast of Vancouver island in Canada. Because these beautiful places are so deeply rooted in her childhood and her memories, she will always find inspiration and magic within herself and the universe when she is by the sea.

She also feels inspired when she meets somebody who radiates positive energy. She loves connecting with this type of person and hearing their story. Often she realizes just how much people go through in life and she finds inspiration in their ability to pull themselves up and be happy.

And then there’s music… She is inspired by music each and every day. Music especially inspires her yoga practice, which is why she spends hours listening to music and creating playlists. Music brings life to movement which is also a main source of inspiration and creativity for her.


Yoga Teacher

Fran has been teaching for 10 years. She just loves sharing my knowledge and helping her students discover their potential, achieve their goals and relieve pain. Ashtanga was part of their cheerleading training back in 2001. So she has been practicing for 19 years.

Her favorite yoga asana is Trikonasana – Triangle Pose. This pose saved her back and helped her walk straight again.

Class types she teaches are Vinyasa Flow, Power Yoga and Swing Yoga.

Animal/pet that I own:
2 Chihuahuas

Favorite music genre:
Bossa Nova

Introvert or Extrovert?

Sweet or savory?

Who would play you in a movie about your life?

How do you recharge?
With a Tipple in my hand!

What keeps her inspired?
“Love. Love makes the world go round and Love never fails!”


Yoga Teacher

“I have been a seeker and I still am, but I stopped asking the books and the stars. I started listening to the teaching of my Soul.” ~ by Rumi

A dedicated Vinyasa Flow practitioner, Samah began her yoga journey 10 years ago when she discovered a good one hours stretch well complemented her fitness regime. On and off practice, it was only when she left her fast paced PR job to turn full time mom, postpartum depression led her to dwell deeper on the mat – she soon found a new world that spelled happiness, peace, compassion, agility and balance all in abundance. And ever since, there has been no looking back – she achieved her true intention in life which came with an intense longing to share. Samah believes in the power of mind and body bound together and hopes to radiate that on to the world.

Samah draws inspiration from movement and sequences that pushes her to face fears and hesitations, to take on challenges and grow beyond limitations. She is drawn by the breath, the stillness and the energy, the power to do anything or nothing at all without being judged or compared. She loves how she can transfer the mat mindset into her daily life.





  • Tonya Colson

    Tonya Colson

    “I’ve been going to this yoga studio since the week it first opened... it was the studio I was waiting for! Great location and easy parking, beautiful facilities (love the soft floors and the salt wall), top notch instructors and a variety of classes all day, every day. I can always fit in a class, regardless of my daily schedule because there is so much to choose from. I highly recommend Inspire Yoga!”
  • Marcia Gui

    Marcia Gui

    “I’ve tried several different studios around Dubai and Inspire is by far the best! The teachers at Inspire are all very experienced and teach at a very high level. They have a lot of different classes for different levels and styles, so plenty to choose from. There’s a really friendly vibe in the studio what makes me feel very welcome and work my best.”
  • Marie Griffiths

    Marie Griffiths

    “I have been a member since 2016 and just love the studio...the atmosphere, the friendliness of the staff and members, the amazing teachers, the mix of classes and just the whole vibe of the studio. What is a great bonus for me is how the studio has classes at 6:30 which allows me to attend before work! Inspire you are just superb...keep on doing what you do.”



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